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Fabric vs. Metal

Fabric Ductwork vs. Metal Ductwork

In open ceiling architecture, traditional metal duct systems discharge air through side-mounted metal diffusers usually spaced 10 to 15 feet apart. The air is directed to specific zones resulting in less efficient mixing of air in the occupied space and often causing drafting and hot or cold spots.

With a DuctSox System, the air is discharged more uniformly along the entire length of the DuctSox system providing consistent and uniform air dispersion in the occupied space. Uniform air dispersion means better air mixing. Higher entrainment ratios result in consistent throw performance for orifices or linear vents.


Fabric Duct vs. Sheet Metal Duct Study


Fabric duct is also 24.5-percent more efficient than conventional sheet metal duct and diffuser systems, according to a recent computational fluid dynamics (CFD) energy study performed by the Iowa State University Mechanical Engineering Dept. in Ames, Iowa. The 10-month-long study, “Thermal Comparison Between Ceiling Diffusers and Fabric Ductwork Diffusers for Green Buildings,” proved fabric diffuser systems heat/cool rooms faster and more uniformly to satisfy temperature set points. This results in reduced mechanical equipment runtime, thus saving energy in the process.

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